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New Side Project 👀

I've started putting together a Tarot deck using the illustrations and things I've made for/ with my music so far. I've had a little experience with tarot before, but I have a lot of friends who will help me ensure my interpretations and manifestations of the cards are acurate and meaningful to the broader Tarot world.

I'm sort of treating this process like a mix between a reading for myself, and a negotation with the established meaning of the card. There's practically an bottomless world of interpretation for Tarot, and it's fun for me to use this as a way to learn the cards more intimately.

I think three of the four suits fit pretty nicely into the concepts I've been thinking about for future albums. The Queen of Time fits Cups, Invertebrate Waltz will fit Swords, (whatever I name the I dogs/pets album) will be Wands, and some 4th set of songs I've yet to write will probably be Coins.

My goal is to do about one card a day for now, (but so far I've been able to do more than one most days). This project won't be coming to fruition any time soon- but it's already giving me ideas, and challenging me as an artist and a songwriter to understand, synthesize, and present intentional meaning in what I am making.

I'm planning on posting occasional progress updates here, on my blog, and here, on my instagram feed. Be sure to keep an eye out if this is something that interests you! ❤️

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