i played at a little party ❤️

Last week I got to play a few songs from The Queen of Time live for a small house show. I always intended to preform live, but I didn't know what kind of venue would be right, and I simply didn't have the connections to get into a place that hosts small upcoming artists in front of a receptive audience of peers.
I know it's unconventional to make an album first, (like, before you even know anybody) but putting money and time into making something that I believe is good has worked for me. It's been the key to getting in to a wider world of musicians and organizers I've always known I needed to be part of if I ever wanted to see this grow. Most of the doors that opened so far have been smaller social things- but every step counts, and as you do more things, you start to know more and more people. Even on a micro level, it has really transformed the way people think about me as a musician. Before this, I had no proof, but now, I have an album you can look up, and new people who enter my life can see that I take this seriously and I'm not a total hack! (at least not all the time)
I met such amazing people at this house show, some of whom were long time musicians before ever writing their own songs. I met people who play as many tiny shows as they can, and I met people who wrote their first song last week! I feel like I'm somewhere in between. I've written many many songs, but released very few, and played my own stuff live very very little.
I'm so excited to see what comes next! I'm excited to grow and become more public as a musician. I'm realizing that in this world you're going to build up connections organically over time, and it has to start somewhere. It seems like everyone I've met genuinely wants to see everyone else grow and thrive creatively, and this fills me with joy. One of the core rules I try to live my life by is to "deal with good people." I'm excited to get to do more small shows like this in the future! I can't wait to see where it leads! 🥰