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Get your head on straight!

This week I've spent some time looking at all my current ongoing projects and setting some goals and priorities for the next year. I feel like there's just SO MUCH to do- and I need to be more intentional about where I'm spending my time if I actually want to see these things happen!

I'm at a point in my life where I actually have tangible goals, and achieving them means understanding that some of my other projects need to take a backseat. I made a list of everything I want to work on and then ordered/ re-ordered it until it made some sense. next to each thing, I justified why each project should/should not be a focus for me in the coming year.

Seeing everything written out like that makes me really excited about all the cool stuff I want to make going forward! It feels really nice to have a roadmap, and set clear guidlines for myself about what is/is not supposed to be a priority right now.

Not that I expect it to mean much to anyone, but after my list felt about right, I made more fun looking version by collaging together some art from recent tarot cards, and turned that into my new desktop wallpaper (which I attached to this post) It's more for me than anything else, but I want to share it because the process really helped me clarify my intentions, and maybe someone will feel inspired to make their own. I turned it into a wallpaper because I want to be able to see this list regularly, and remember where I ranked things, so when I'm at a loss for what to work on next, I have some guidance.

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